After replacing carpet with tile, many homeowners find that while they love the tile itself, they struggle with keeping the grout clean. Despite professional tile cleanings, grout cleanliness often lasts only 1-6 months, depending on household traffic. Our color sealing service aims to prevent dirt buildup in grout, making cleanup significantly easier.
Calcium, lime, and even rust can turn a beautiful shower into something from your nightmares. Don't settle for less and have your shower looking clean again. Tile cleaning, grout restoration, caulk repair, and color sealing, are included in one package for your shower. Don't live another minute dissatisfied. We get the job done!
Our sealants can keep any kitchen mess from seeping into your grout. Our specialists begin the disinfectant process right away to remove any harmful bacteria living in your porous grout. We follow it with our grout restoration and finally with our color sealing. Seal in the beauty, not the bacteria. Call today!
Why go through the hassle of tearing out your carpet? Instead, let us clean it! We specialize in removing all kinds of accidents and spills, relieving the stress from your life. Our extra diligent work ensures a clean and inviting floor that welcomes you and every guest into your home.